Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Meet...Tai Shan

Since I can't watch my own little one grow, every day I try and take some time to watch little Tai Shan grow. Tai Shan means "peaceful mountain", and it is the name of the 17 week old Panda at the Washington, DC National Zoo. I watch Mei Xiang nurture her new baby boy, and the gentleness this giant bear has with her teeny tiny baby! Tai Shan is starting to walk now, and he's even chewing on bamboo. I watch these milestones in Tai Shan's new life, until the time comes that I can be a part of my daughters milestones!

Hopefully soon!

Meanwhile, watch mama and baby LIVE (it's a great de-stressor, and so joyous and calming after a hectic day):

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