Friday, January 13, 2006

Blessing a Child

So today we went to the Six Banyan Temple. It's a beautiful Buddist temple, and I was able to have a Monk perform a blessing on Leila. I also walked up inside the temple...I didn't make it to the top...the stairs were VERY steep, but I made it to the second to last tier...and took some great pictures of Guangdong.

We also went to a high end jade store and I bought Leila a jade necklace for her birthday. I just haven't decided which birthday she'll get it at, probably sweet 16, since I went for the grade A jade, which is the most expensive. I wanted her to have a good piece of jade! Our guide, Connie, is a very modern Chinese woman, who loves her she helped me with the jade and bargaining for a good deal, since I know nothing about jewelry...bargaining on the other hand...I'm pretty good at! :)

I also did some shopping at one of the local stores and got Leila some squeeky shoe's at $4 a pair, and several Chinese dresses at $7 US each. What'a deal!!!

We had lunch at McDonalds, and it was packed. We had to walk up 3 flights of stairs to find a seat, luckily, the attendants at McDonalds carry the strollers and babies up for you!!! Then they take your order at the table, and carry your food up 3 flights of stairs to you!!! What a fun experience!!!

I have to say, I'm really enjoying my stay in China. Aside from the annoyance of all the security here right's very exciting here, and the people are very friendly.


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you are having a good time there. Of course, you have a beautiful little girl now how could you not have fun! She's gorgeous! I think having something from China for her birthday every year is a wonderful idea. It will mean so much to her. Thanks for keeping us so up to date. I get so excited when there is something new up.

Anonymous said...

Dear Heather,

Looks like you and Leila are doing well together and I hope that, all things aside, you are enjoying China as much as we did.

Look for some of the large painted fans and long and medium sized painted scrolls and wedding boxes. If you buy from Sherry's, she will fast ship stuff home for you quite inexpensively. She also sometimes has some higher end "antique " jewelry for moms ;-)

I got Taryn several cute modern outfits and some just plain fun hair do-dads, bracelets, stretchy mother-child pearl and cloisonette bracelets, etc, at several of the stores on the right hand side of the street as you walk towards the canal straight away from the White Swan.

Remember, Leila rates a suitcase too if she has her own seat coming home. You can get a big one for less than $15 or so.

When you leave get your guide to see you through as far as she can in the new airport. She can help with the luggage. Sometimes you can hire a golf cart thingy inside the airport to carry you through.
