Thursday, January 12, 2006


So, it's 6:30 am here, and I'm up...and the peanut is still sleeping. She's a good little sleeper (once she gets to sleep)...she's at 9 hours right now, and she had a two hour nap at about 3pm yesterday.

Size...I don't know how much she weighs, I guess I'll find out at the medical exam. But she is tiny. She's almost 29 months old, and 2T clothes are huge on her. I think even 18 months clothes are going to be huge on her. She is not potty trained, and doesn't even show any interest in the toilet...well, that's not exactly true...I did put her on the toilet to see what she'd do...and she screamed bloody murder!

The bath tub terrifies her. I emailed her SWI's yahoo email group (I have corresponded with families from Leila's SWI for several months now), and they say all the babies hate the bath tub at first. Seems that the babies from her SWI never had baths, and were only sponge bathed. But it's not just the bath tub, Leila is terrified of the water, period. While we were at the zoo yesterday there was a pond soon as she saw the water she started freaking out. Anyhow, we've tried the bath twice, and it was pure torture for I'm going to let this go for now, and just sponge bath her. This is a scary time for her, and I'm not going to force anything on her that isn't absolutely necessary. The SWI email group assures me that now that all their babies are home, and more comfortable with them, bath time is one of the most fun times for their babies now.

Shopping here is fun. Doing the conversion in my head...not so fun. For example...last night at the grocery store...I bought, a can of Pringles, 4 cans of diet coke, an apple, a banana, a little container of Vienetta ice cream, and a box of baby cookies. Total, $37 Yuan, or $5 US.

At the big mall the other day I bought Leila the most beautiful little outfit. It's a coat, with a matching jumper dress, and long-sleeved shirt. It was a beautiful set, and just the softest material ever. Very good quality outfit. I know in the states, I would have easily paid about $200 for this was on sale for $365 Yuan, or $45 US. I also bought her a couple of pair of really good quality shoes (equivalent to Stride Rites in the US), each pair was $150 Yuan, or $18 US. I also got her the Chinese New Year Barbie (this will be saved as a future birthday gift), for the equivalent of $24 (which really wasn't a big bargin, but I wanted to have it bought in China).

It is my goal, before I leave, to have at least one present from China, for every birthday Leila has until she is an adult. So, what does that mean? It means I need to do more shopping!!! :)

Leila's birthmark...well, people here REALLY do look at her, and even point! But there are some who come up and say she is beautiful. So it's a mixed bag. There was a little American girl playing in the White Swan Playroom, who was very rude about Leila's birthmark, and her mother didn't even repremand her...that pissed me off! You know, if people in this world, would just be a little kinder to each other, maybe everyone wouldn't be at war now, and we wouldn't have to do cosmetic surgery on babies so that they can have a normal life. I will do what needs to be done for Leila so that she can fit in, and not be teased. Children will tease no matter what, and I don't want it to be worse for her just because she has a birthmark. But honestly, I think Leila is beautiful as she is, and it's too bad that uniqueness has no beauty to it, onlt deformity. Pretty soon we're all going to look alike...what will the world be like then?


Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say : Congratulations!!! I had been looking to leila's picture and for a while there i thought this would be my daughter!, but when i requested more info I got to know she already had a mommy!!
I am happy that she is doing so good! it makes me happy that she is doing well with you!
i'll hopefully be getting mine by 2007 will see. again i am very happy for both of you, you have a
beautiful daughter!!!

Sharon said...

Okay, point me in the direction of that mom who let her kid act ugly to Leila! Grrrrrrrrr!!!! I can not stand that!!!

Don't worry about people pointing and looking. It will happen when you come home, too and it wouldn't matter if she had a birthmark or not. I told Marty it's like being on display at the zoo sometimes. I've gotten used to it now but at first it really unnerved me because I thought that everyone was looking at her lip and nose. Now I think it's just people who are curious or think she is cute.

Leila is gorgeous! PERIOD

I loved shopping in China. I wish I hadn't felt so yucky while I was there. Next time, there will be much more shopping! LOL

We were in Guangzhou for a week and didn't do any touring at all. Our guide didn't have anything planned for us at all so we were on our own. I wish we'd been able to see some of the sights.

Have you been to the no name store? It is down near the Victory, I think. You can see the words on the front that used to say "Dan's" or something like that. They have Gymboree and GAP clothes in there and we got Brinley's at a really good price since I bought several outfits and shoes. Of course, I had to get her one of those cute Ladybug sweaters that all of the stores have. She wears it all of the time.

I'm so glad you are posting so often! When is Leila's medical exam?

Anonymous said...

Hi Heather,
I found your blog "by accident" on the single-adopt-china list. I adopted my daughter Tori at 19 mos old in Oct. 2002. Re: potty training -- it sounds crazy but you might want to try standing Leila up on the toilet seat. I found out by accident that my daughter was potty trained -- for a squat toilet! She was also trained to go on a time schedule (every so many hours) rather than when she felt the urge. Leila is gorgeous -- you must be so happy! Have a safe trip back to the US! Sharon