Sunday, January 08, 2006

Dances With Swords I decided to go for a walk, to see what's around the hotel. Right next store is a huge park, right on the Pearl River. Hundreds of people doing Tai Chi, Yoga, and various physical movements to music. Some dance with fans, which is beautiful, and other dance with swords, which was kind of scary, but still beautiful. Many of the people were older, probably in their 60's & 70's. You can tell they take physical fitness very seriously here. I also saw women in high heels, and in their work clothes doing the Tai Chi, getting their workout done before going to work. They don't need gyms here, just go work out in the park.

Then I decide to stroll down other streets, to see what stores are around. Again, more little open area's where people are working out. I also saw people playing badmitten...I wanted to play too! I used to love badmitten in high school!

Anyhow...saw a few nice stores, with some incredibly beautiful clothing. Lots of jade figurines, and incense (which smelled delicious). I didn't buy anything....yet!

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