Thursday, January 12, 2006

Fort Knox & A Funny Baby! I'm sorry we didn't move. It's like Fort Knox around here. Earlier, I couldn't even leave the building to go have dinner because I didn't have a special pass. I go to the front desk and they tell me my guide should have given me a special pass. The Seppi's called Connie, and she called the front desk and took care of it. Connie to the rescue once again!

So I decided to just go to the deli next door (it's attached to the hotel, but you have to enter from the outside). Something must have been going on in there because as soon as I got to the door, they locked them, and the police ran over to keep me from entering. He wanted to know what I was doing there. I told them I just wanted some food. He made me move away and wait. A waitress came out of the deli and asked me what I wanted. I said I don't know, do you have a menu, she said no, just tell me what you want. I said, I don't know what you have. So basically, I left.

I finally decided to just go up to the grocery store and buy us something for dinner. So another night of grits for Leila, but I got her some fruit from the store, which she loved, and I bought us a little ice cream. Oh yeah...she LOVED the ice cream!

Then I come back to the hotel, and there are about 50 people (airline crew) checking in. They all have at least 2 bags...every bag must go through x-ray, and we all must walk through metal detectors. At least 40 cops all around took me at least 20 minutes to get inside. So you know what...I'd have rather moved than have to put up with this for 3 days.

Oh, and you don't get to keep your pass. The hotel staff gives it to you outside, then once you get inside the hotel they take it you have to get checked and passed everytime you leave and enter the hotel.

But Leila and I overcame all this frustration...I, by taking video and pictures of her walking around the room in my shoes. Then she decided she wanted to comb her hair. Then she decided she wanted to be a goober. She's a riot!!!

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Ugh!!! Sounds like a royal pain in the tushy!!!
Looks like Leila is doing great, though! YAY!!!
She is sooooooo cute!!!!!
What size is she wearing???? Brinley is in 18 months with most clothes. I put a pair of 24 months pants on her this morning and they fell down! LOL She thought it was hilarious!
Looking forward to your next update! :)