Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Last Blog before we move to the new Hotel

So, we have not left the room since we got back yesterday after the big meltdown. Breakfast comes with our room, so every morning we get up and head down to the breakfast buffett, which is delicious. But this morning, Leila did not want to go out. Last night for dinner she had grits and crackers...YUM! I had McDonalds...the Seppi's were kind enough to bring me lunch, which I ate for dinner. McDonalds here taste just like home...the ketchup they use is a little sweeter and less vinegary than ours, but that's about it.

Anyhow...Leila loves the grits, so she had them for breakfast this morning. But she wanted to feed herself. So here she is, my big girl, feeding herself. Notice the full bowl, then the empty bowl. Then notice her white shirt (I didn't bring any bibs)...still white...hey...I'm impressed!!! Also, notice the spoon...I can't tell if she's going to be right handed or left handed!?!?! Maybe she'll be ambidexterous like me...that would be cool!!!

Christy...if you're reading this...Leila loves her Hello Kitty spoon and bowl!!! Thanks!!!

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